The Generalate
The Generalate is the head office of the Congregation. A place where the General leadership have their offices.
In order to insure the stability of the congregation and to further the accomplishment of is apostolic mission, the Congregation is divided into distinct provinces and regions, which are answerable to a central leadership known as General Leadership. They foster Internationality, Collegiality, Subsidiarity, Solidarity and Flexibility throughout the whole Congregation.
The general superior and her council exercise the highest authority within the Congregation ordinarily. They are elected during the General Chapter, which takes place once in six years. The term of office for the General Leadership is six years but they can be reelected.

General Leadership Team
Sr. Judith Diltz - General Superior (USA)
Sr. Judith Diltz is currently serving as General Superior of the PHJC Congregation. She is a member of the American Province where she has served in education, formation, development work and leadership.

Sr. Betty Vazheparampil - Councilor (India)
Sr. Betty Vazheparampil is currently serving as Councilor in the General Leadership of PHJC. She is a member of the St. Joseph Province India. She has served as the congregational secretary and treasurer.

Sr. Jacqueline Injete - Councilor (Kenya)
Sr. Jacqueline Injete is currently serving as Councilor in the General Leadership of PHJC.
She is a member of the Kenyan Region. She has served in Leadership and hospital administration.

Sr. Sabitha Kalathil - Councilor (India)
Sr. Sabitha Kalathil is currently serving as Councilor in the General Leadership of PHJC. She is a member of the St. Mary’s Province India. She has served in leadership and with various levels of formation.

Sr. Prakasha Sahaya - Secretary / Treasurer (India)
Sr. Prakasha Sahaya is currently serving as Secretary and Treasurer in the General Leadership of PHJC. She is a member of the St. Mary’s Province India.

Petra Jung
Petra Jung graduated in 2002 with a B.A. in International Business and then worked in banks in Germany and Luxembourg. Since 2014 she supports the Generalate as an accountant. She speaks German, English and French and appreciates the international character of the PHJC congregation.

Mina Jung
Mina Jung graduated in 2020 with a B.A. in Philosophy and worked during her studies at the Institute for Global Church and Mission in Frankfurt. She is fluent in German and English. She started working for the Communication Office of the Generalate in January 2023.