Ministries India North

Norms and policies of PHJC education are communicated with the vision and trust of our foundress. Animated and guided by the Spirit of Mother Katharina, we aim at integral formation and liberation of the human person and strive to actively participate in the ‘saving’ and reconciling mission of Christ and be in communion with the whole of creation through our educational ministry.
Health Ministry
Human life is sacred and God created human beings and formed them in His own image. In our health ministry we render our service with Zeal and love empowering them through various awareness programmes and making them aware of their rights for a healthy, dignified living in society. We do relieve pain and suffering from people compassionately accompanying them from birth to the dying process so that every person who is under our care especially those who are placed in our destitute home, in our hospitals as well as in our welfare service centres will be able to accept the last phase of life in a humane and meaningful way.

Welfare Ministry
Out of his deep-rooted love and concern for the oppressed, God takes fully part in their liberative struggle. In the service of human family, we the Poor handmaids of Jesus Christ reach out to all people without distinction, striving to build with them a civilization of love, founded upon the universal values of peace, justice, solidarity and freedom. In our ministries we focus on the issues of compassion and Justice. In seeking to promote human dignity, we show a preferential love for the poor and the voiceless. In our love for the poor, we show great concern for the education of the tribal people.